Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anyone for a swim???

Just a little Eagle Gate swimming!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A little dramatic....

Okay everyone that knows me knows that I have a flare for drama. I am very practicle and level headed most of the time, but sometimes I loose my head. So if my last posts seem a little extreme, they probably are. My life is good I am just working and enjoying summer, I must admit I do watch too much TV. For two years we didn't have any cable where I lived so I could only watch movies. Now it is a curse because I sit down to relax for a minute and get sucked in to watching TV for usually a couple of hours. I remember when I lived in Old Farm in Logan we named our TV Satan, it was a fitting name.

If it wasn't my only entertainment.......

Thursday, June 26, 2008

"If we look for the negative in anyone we will find it. But if we focus on the positive, that element will grow until it sparkles"-Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At what point.................

Okay so at what point do you tough things out, or call it quits? I am really good at my job and I really like it for the most part....but I do work with ladies that don't want me to succeed. I want everyone to and I don't care if others do,(succeed that is) it only makes us better as a team. But sometimes I feel that maybe I should not try so hard so that everyone else will get off my back.

I hate the real world...what happened to the happy world of being a nanny! Oh the days of hugs and kisses and time outs. Even their temper tantrums were better than co-worker ones..grrrr!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

strongly dislike

Okay, so since I have been in my office I have been the "Favorite" meaning everyone loves me and I have been performing really well. But since this new bossy lady has started I am no longer the top performer....GRRRR!!! Good thing everyone still loves me more than her! Okay so I know this sounds totally un-Christ like but....Okay well it is! I just hate when I am doing everything I can and this co-worker takes my glory away. boo!

Oh well I guess I just have to step up to the plate and make things happen! I just like it when it is easy!

Monday, March 31, 2008

My sweet Pupp! Moochie

So stinking cute! This is one of my favorite pictures of Niki. This was so long ago!


My Sweet Issac when he was still so small!

Running Away

Okay so one of my biggest pet peeves is when people run away from conflict. I mean I don't look for fights and I don't even really fight, I just discuss, calmly. But nothing bothers me more than having an issue between a loved one of mine and they won't talk to me, but yet you are "loved" by them. By definition when somone loves you should they be that they are willing to figure things out with you. Love doesn't mean as soon as rocky water hits, you bail. So if you find yourself being a conflict dodger, please sit down calmly and figure things out with your "loved one". GRRRRR!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life in a cubicle

So now that I m in an office all day long, it is time to share my feelings about the world and all the things I love and hate. Watch out world, here comes a lot of opinions!