Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A little dramatic....

Okay everyone that knows me knows that I have a flare for drama. I am very practicle and level headed most of the time, but sometimes I loose my head. So if my last posts seem a little extreme, they probably are. My life is good I am just working and enjoying summer, I must admit I do watch too much TV. For two years we didn't have any cable where I lived so I could only watch movies. Now it is a curse because I sit down to relax for a minute and get sucked in to watching TV for usually a couple of hours. I remember when I lived in Old Farm in Logan we named our TV Satan, it was a fitting name.

If it wasn't my only entertainment.......

1 comment:

Hilary said...

OK, I hope I wasn't the reason for yesterday's post. I was just checking in on you. I will wait for your phone call. I miss you.